Sunday, February 6, 2011

Look A Like

     Have you ever saw a post on Facebook stating to put your celebrity look a like on your status?  Well what if you don't have a celebrity look a like what do you do then?  NOTHING!!!!  You just post something on your status that is uplifting and go on about your lovely day.  Well here is something for my fellow non-celebrity look a likes.  Post or blog a picture of the person you look the most like.  Whether it be your brother, mother, sister or cousin.  Its your day to feel good about who you look like so get to posting!!  


Here is a pic of my beautiful grandmother who I look the most like.
Do you think I look like her?  
(Give me your opinion by leaving a comment!)

RIP I love you Gma May


  1. Oh my gosh Lindye you do look exactly like her!! We should do your hair like that, put on some glasses on you and take a picture and I bet no one could tell the difference between you two. I'm serious, lets do it!!
    Love ya!

  2. Thanks Hillary! And yes Alyssa that would be awesome!
