My week has been so busy and it is just Wednesday! I can honestly say that I can't wait until Friday. I am taking my little basketball team consisting of 3-4 year olds to Mr. Gatti's for our last practice. Their little faces brighten up my day. I am a little sad that the last game is Saturday, but a little happy that it opens up my schedule not only on Fridays but also Saturdays. All the extra time I can get right now for house work the better. Not to mention sleep. I am lacking in that department. The more the better!!!
Health Science is a class I have to take this semester as well as a Computer class. It already is kicking my tail and it is only the second week of the semester! AHHHHH! I am working twice as hard this semester, but I guess that is why it is called college. I know it is well worth it but I hope it all pays off the way I want.
Buddy and I are starting our 6 week Herbalife diet competition tomorrow and I am so excited that we are doing this together!!! The 1st place winner gets $200 and a Ipad. 2nd place gets $200 and a flat screen TV. So we are going to bust out in exercise moves everywhere we go so be on the look out. (BUST A MOVE!) Getting healthy is something that has been on the bottom of our list but we are not getting any younger so its now or never. Wish us luck and if you see me trying to cheat PLEASE remind me that I need to loose weight (and need an Ipad)! LOL Putting down the chocolate is going to be tuff for me. But just like college its a step in the right direction.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Take them and Hold them Tight
Yesterday my day was awesome I was so excited to go to class last night only to find there was only 3 people that showed up including me!!! Meaning I might not have a class after all. BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad experience but I am ok with that, it is just another memory that goes in my upstairs filling cabinet. After a fabulous night of sleep I am in a great mood and ready for my long day of work and another class tonight. The ladies here at work always seem to keep me smiling by reminiscing about old times and the great memories we share. Memories are a cherished item I hold dear to my heart. Sometimes memories are all you have left of someone or something. So take them and hold them tight. You never know when you might need to pull one out to make someones day or even just remember the love from someones arms :P
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Home is Where the Love Is
After getting a call that we don't have to work tomorrow I was enlightened with happiness!! So I went out
on a limb and let two of my nephews and two of my nieces come and spend the night. And boy is this birth control. Birth control for more than one kid that is. But seeing their little faces light up and laugh is awesome. Makes me feel all warm inside. I have a million things running threw my head but I put them all on hold to let the kids have a great time with their Aunt Lindye and Uncle Buddy. My little brother is going back to Georgia on Tuesday and that makes me sad but he is protecting the United States of America so I think I will be ok. My second semester of college starts on Tuesday as well so my day will be fully packed and stressful. This blog is short and sweet and to the point. Having the kids over definitely makes the statement ♥ Home is Where the Love Is ♥
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Pictures are an instant SMILE
Thank you for all your prayers!!!! I slept great last night : P After sleeping so great I woke up to an alarm that had been going off for 45 minutes. So getting to work with a minute to spare was not how I wanted my day to start. My meeting at 10:00 this morning went to well it made up for the horrible morning I had before hand! That doesn't happen very often. With my day starting to get better I found myself daydreaming about my nieces and nephews and how they all have grown so fast. Looking at the picture above of Ethan makes me smile inside thinking of his cute little curls. Speaking if nieces my niece Kaylye is texting me as we speak. Since when is texting your aunt cool? I guess I am that aunt everyone wants!! I spoil them all because I don't have any kids yet. FUN FUN My advise today to everyone: Look as some old pics of cute little babies or someone you love and they will instantly make you smile from ear to ear!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Another Doctor Appointment
Waking up 3 times during the night when you are trying to sleep is not so bueno! I have been having problems with staying asleep and acid reflux. So after a hard night last night my husband and I decided I needed to go and see the doctor. The conclusion of the visit was not as I anticipated!! I left wondering why me and why can't I ever get straight answer? After paying my co-payment and sitting in the waiting room for 30 minutes I was told that I need to go see a specialists and that I had acid in my windpipe which means I had to have a chest x-ray done. So not having any sleep and not holding food down is not the worst part of my day. It is the x-ray that was the biggest problem. Having a gentleman most definitely younger than me ask me to take my bra off and then go to the room was a little uncomfortable! Setting those puppies free is dangerous for all who are involved. So tonight before you go to sleep please say a little prayer for me that I might get a full night of sleep at least one night out of this month. : ) ~Much love~
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
For Hillary & Carla
So after spending a great night with my coupled friends last Friday I was informed that I needed to start a blog. I am not great spelling and I am horrible with grammar, so if that offends or annoys you please stop reading now! : ) I have been married for almost a year to the love of my life Buddy. I could not ask for better. I have not had the best of luck in my 26 years on this lovely earth but I try make the best of every situation. I am a better person now by learning from my bad choices. I miss my dad who I lost 11 years ago and my grandmother who I lost 2 years ago everyday and I keep their smiling faces on my mind constantly. I have three babies. A 6 month old Doberman Pincher (Oz) a 6 year old Mini Chihuahua (Daisye) and a 1 year old Bangle cat (Carlye). I am in college on my way to becoming a surgical tech. I can't wait to walk across that stage!!! This is me in a nutshell. There will be more to come in the near future.
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