Sometimes in life you need to just stop and smell the roses. Often I forget to just relax and take time to enjoy the smaller things in life instead of striving for the bigger things. So the past month or so I have done just that!! I have been out with new friends, sat a home, played with dogs and a lot of hubby and family time! :) and to be completely honest the past month or so has been the best in a long long time. I am loving life, the future and whatever comes my way!
Mrs. Dowden

Friday, February 22, 2013
Saturday, October 20, 2012
I have not blogged in so long it is not even funny! So here is the last 9 months in a nutshell! Buddy and I no longer have Josh. The adoption fell threw with 2 months remaining :( We were very hurt but have moved on with our lives. We are not not trying to have kids in hopes that something will happen. So keep your fingers crossed. I graduated from college and got a job here at one of the local hospitals as a surgical tech on the heart team. I loved being a on the heart team but I love my husband more. I was on call every other day and every other weekend so I had little time with Buddy, my dogs, my family and my friends. I had a job offer to go back and work at Halftime Sports as the manager of the graphics department. Buddy and I talked and talked and prayed and prayed and then talked and prayed some more and came up with the decision that going back to Halftime Sports was better for us, me and the entire family! It has been awesome and I love being back! Buddy and I are also looking for a house to buy mid February of next year so were saving saving saving to get the house we absolutely love. So in the past 9 months we have lost our son, I graduated from college, got a job on a Heart Team, went to another job and we are saving for a home to call our own! Funny how I went from being so busy I couldn't see straight to having so much time on my hands that it is driving me crazy!!! So I made a list of things I am going to start doing to keep me sane! They are: Blogging more, Exercising more, Cleaning and doing more yard work. That should keep me pretty busy. :p
So here is my blog to say
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friends + One Long Limo = One Mini Vaca
After a long and tiredsome day. My classmate/friend (Teri) and I decided to tackle the sad, makes you wanna cry, shopping for a dress fun. Little did I know that I would walk out of the first store happy and ready for my much needed mini vacation to Dallas for our friends bachelorete party. Needless to say Teri and I have the same GREAT taste! We ended up buying the same dress just in a different top color. Friends that shop and tell the truth together stay together :) Not only did I find the right dress I also found some killer heels!!! Killer as in killing my knees and feet by the 2nd hour and killing your eyes because they are that awesome!!! HAHA Let me know what you think??
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Love....has made us stronger
Buddy and I have talked about having kids and have tried the fertility meds for a while now and nothing. No baby just me psycho from the reactions to the meds :) Thank goodness Buddy is still even with me!! We have talked about adoption and what not and we both came to the conclusion that we would just live our lives and hope that one day we would be able to afford an adoption or invetro to be able to call ourselves parents. We on 1-8-2012 I received a phone call that would change our lives forever. I had a lady wanting use to take her son because she would not be able to give him a good home and knows that Buddy and I would be able to. All I could do is cry! After a long discussion about timing, school and finances with Buddy, a sit down with the birth mom plus a visit to a lawyers office Buddy and I can now call ourselves parents. I AM A PARENT WHO WOULDA THUNK IT!!! He is a 19 month old little boy with curly hair and the softest skin. He is a handful, he is shy, loving and needs some working with but I believe he is well worth it. Never in a million years did I think that my opportunity for motherhood would open up in a 15 minute phone call. I am so blessed beyond my wildest dreams to have such an amazing husband and the most beautiful little boy. This year so far has been the best.
Our Little Family :)
Momma's Boy!!
My Little Jazz Man
My Little Man
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Breathing...What a wonderful thing!
After a long long week of studying (cramming) for finals I am happy to say that I passed both of them!!! WOOHOO This means that I will get to proceed on to the next semester. If I had not passed them I would of been dropped from the program!!! Maybe this semester I will not be such a procrastinator and get ahead for once. MAYBE :/ Buddy decided to take me to dinner and a movie for all my hard work in school so we decided to go to Genghis Grill and the New Year's Eve movie, which was awesome by the way. I have such an amazing husband that I am so thankful for. Now that I have a full month off from school I have decided to vamp up my house a little and make it not look like such a man's cave. The boys are just gunna have to get over it with my girlie stuff being everywhere. I have let them have their man cave for almost 2 years and now its my turn!!! Get ready house cuz here I come.............
Monday, December 5, 2011
Santa in November
Always a good day when you walk out of a clinicals and see Santa riding down the street on his motorized wheelchair!! I haven't wrote a blog in so long I feel guilty!!!! I have been so busy at work and with school/clinicals that I haven't even gotten a chance to breathe. But I took my first final today and I take the other one Wednesday so I will have a lot more time on my hands come next week. On another note I love my classmates and can't wait to graduate with them!! If it was not for them I would not still be in the program. They are lifesavers :D

Friday, August 5, 2011
Mrs. Jandi
So I left yesterday on a journey to the Land Of Oz! I made it about 11 pm last night safe and sound as well as the cake I had made for my bestie. :) I got to my mothers house and got everything unloaded and changed into my pj's and realized there was something wrong.....Buddy's size 12 socks don't fit me very well!!! Lol Guess I should of packed a little better. Oh well if that's my only problem this weekend I will be good. Today it is lunch with my mom and decorating with Missy for Jandi's wedding shower then out for Jans 26th Birthday!!! Wooohoooo In the big town of Liberal. (This should be interesting!!) Remember hug the one's you love and pray for the one's you don't. XOXO
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